Report GC32 Lagos

GC32 Lagos I, 22 – 26 June 2022, Lagos, Portugal
After the experience at Lake Garda with the small streak of bad luck that started with our capsize, but which we still managed to finish on the podium, we were looking forward to the second event of the GC32 Racing Tour. This event took us to Lagos once again.
The Portuguese coastal town in the Algarve has almost become something like our second home: In addition to the optimal conditions in the marina with an infrastructure that leaves nothing to be desired, we are also always warmly welcomed and pampered by the hotel.
As a well-rehearsed team, the assembly of our catamaran went quickly and without a hitch, so that we were the first team to enter the water to take advantage of the initially ideal wind conditions for extensive training.
Gritting our teeth
Unfortunately, this did not translate directly into success. Somehow we were not able to develop our skills in the competition as desired: sudden inconsistencies in the manoeuvres, tactically wrong decisions and too “complicated” sailing led to us only reaching the podium twice with a third place. Obviously other teams coped better with the more demanding conditions with the sometimes strong shifting winds.
The frustration with our 5th place was understandably great – with this final result we remained clearly below our expectations and the set goal of finishing the second event of the tour once again in the top 3. We quickly got down to packing and tidying up. We left on Sunday evening for Sweden, where we were already expected for the training for the 44Cup Marstrand. The detailed analysis of the disappointing GC32 Lagos event had to wait at this point.